How My Daughter Recovered From PANDAS And Took Back Her Life

My PANDAS Warrior

In 2012 my daughter acquired PANDAS(Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Associated with Streptoccocal Infections) a life altering and commonly misdiagnosed illness that would change her life.  Before PANDAS took over she was a social, active and confident adolescent with a full schedule of activities including friendships, dance, music, theatre and singing. For the years that followed she was riddled with anxieties, debilitated by physiological and psychological symptoms.  It took years and visiting countless doctors to find the answers. PANDAS is a misdirected immune system response that was creating inflammation in her brain and a wide variety of ever changing and evolving symptoms.  She was able to recover and get her life back thankfully, and we want to share with others her journey. 

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No matter where you are in this journey, you are not alone, there are resources and families facing the same challenges.  PANDAS/PANS/AE is a very isolating and devastating illness.  You have gotten this far to find this page, your child can heal it will take time and sometimes you make progress only to find your child in a flare.  Overtime the flares will become less and less frequent and you will eventually find their susceptibility to symptoms becoming less and less frequent as they heal. You are your child’s best advocate.  Hugs to you and wishing you and your child a return to their health and the life they are meant to have.  If you have any questions please feel free to reach out at the contact us tab.